
City of Lawrence

Parks & Recreation Department


DATE:           May 21, 2013


TO:                        Dave Corliss, City Manager,

Cynthia Wagner, Assistant City Manager

                             Diane Stoddard, Assistant City Manager

                             Ernie Shaw, Interim Director Parks & Recreation


FROM:          Mark Hecker, Assistant Director Parks & Recreation


RE:              Lighted Tennis Facilities



The following chart delineates current options to provide an additional lighted tennis facility for the community.



Staff Recommendation:

The Rock Chalk Park site offers the most advantages. 



















Lawrence High

Lawrence High

Rock Chalk Park

Free State HS

Project Description

Install a Permanent lighting system on 8 existing court

Install a Temporary lighting system on 8 existing courts for 2013 season

Construct 8 new tennis courts with lights

Resurface 5 existing courts, build 3 new courts,  light all 8 courts

Current Number of Courts





Proposed Number of Courts





Current Court Condition


(Some minor surface cracking )


(Some minor surface cracking )



(5 existing courts need resurfaced)

Parking for events

152 spaces (not enough for events)

152 spaces (not enough for events)

Over 1400 spaces planned

Available in school parking lot

Public restroom facilities

Currently not available

but planned in the future

Currently not available

but planned in the future

Available in new Recreation Center

Available in school facility at north end of maintenance building

Current court lighting





Considerations that factor in to  the installation of court lighting

·          Court proximity of residential housing

·          Neighborhood is on record as opposing lighting project

·          Drainage system built under courts restricts pole placement

·          Installation of  new lights would require cutting existing court surface to install conduit and east poles

·          Meeting City Code for lighting foot-candles at the property line can be accomplished but mitigation of light impact may reduce the times and months of the year to play tennis.

·          Glare from lights will impact neighborhood


·          Court proximity of residential housing

·          Neighborhood is on record as opposing lighting project

·          Drainage system built under courts restricts pole placement

·          Installation of  new lights would require cutting existing court surface to install conduit and east poles

·          Meeting City Code for lighting foot-candles at the property line can be accomplished but mitigation of light impact may reduce the times and months of the year to play tennis.

·          Glare from lights will impact neighborhood

·          Lighting will be installed and then removed when rental period is complete

·          Lights would not be owned by the City and could not be used on other sites.

·          Currently minimal residential housing near this site

·          Will be part of a larger sports complex

·          Constructed by spring of 2014

·          The tennis facility was included in the total negotiated cost of the new recreation facility. 

·          Residential housing not as close to courts so light impact not as great to neighborhood compared to LHS site.

·          Minimal opposition from the adjacent neighborhood to lighting has been received.


Considerations that factor in to new court construction



City in complete control

New courts would occupy a portion of the current soccer practice field

City / USD Cooperation

Will require an agreement for future maintenance  and scheduling of the USD owned facility

Will require an agreement for future maintenance  and scheduling of the USD owned facility

City would control maintenance and scheduling.

Will require an agreement for future maintenance  and scheduling of the USD owned facility

Estimated Project Cost


estimated time needed to bid and install new lights 6 months

$175,000-$200,000 for 6-month equipment rental. Plus $25,000 - $30,000 for electrical connections

Estimated cost of courts with lights $640,000

Constructed as part of the

Recreation Center Project



If either of the high school sites are selected the City and the School District would need to enter into a cooperative agreement to provide for the long-term maintenance and scheduling of the facility. The Rock Chalk site would be maintained and scheduled by the City.


Additional Tennis Court Information:


  1. Total Number of Pubic Courts Available in Lawrence:


City Facilities

8 courts (6 with lights) Holcom; Lyons; Veterans; Dad Perry; Prairie Park

8 proposed courts (8 with lights) at the Rock Chalk Park site

Of the 16 city owned courts, 14 will have good to excellent lightning and all 16 good to excellent playing surfaces. 


USD 497 Facilities 

21 courts (0 with lights) LHS 8, FSHS 5, Liberty Middle 2, West 2, South 2, Southwest 2

Courts available to the public when not in use by the district. Surfaces vary but overall good for recreational play.


Haskell University

2 courts (0 with lights)

Courts available to the public when not in use by the university. Surface is good for recreational play.


Kansas University

8 courts (8 with lights) Near Robinson Hall.

Courts available to the public when not in use by the university. Lights and surface are adequate for recreational play.

However, courts may be removed in the future to make room for a new university building.


Jayhawk Tennis Facility on Clinton Parkway

6 courts outdoors (0 with lights)

5 courts indoors (5 with lights)

This is semi-private facility that KU uses for their tennis team, but is available to the public to join or reserve courts for a fee.

Parks and Recreation has an agreement with Jayhawk Tennis for leagues and classes that use instructors and space at the facility.


Total number  of pubic courts available in Lawrence: 58

 (50 current, plus 8 proposed at Rock Chalk Park)           


Total number of lighted pubic courts available in Lawrence: 27

 (19 current– plus 8 proposed at Rock Chalk Park)


How does Lawrence compare to other area?

According to the US Tennis Association - Studies indicate that facilities should be planned based on the number of players within 6 miles or 15-20 minutes of driving time from the site – consider the population in this radius. A good “rule of thumb” is that most markets can support one court for every 10,000 people. The Lawrence population is about 90,000, so we should have a minimum of 9 courts. To get all Lawrence residence with-in 6 miles of a public tennis court facility, we would need to add courts to the west side of town (Rock Chalk Park).