
City of Lawrence

Utilities Department



David Corliss, City Manager

Cynthia Wagner, Assistant City Manager

Diane Stoddard, Assistant City Manager


Mike Lawless, Assistant Director of Utilities


Dave Wagner, Director of Utilities

Philip Ciesielski, Assistant Director of Utilities

Mark Hegeman, Utilities Operations Superintendent

Bob Brower, Field Manager




Emergency Sewer Repair by CIPP Rehabilitation


Please include the following item on the City Commission Agenda for consideration at the October 16, 2012 meeting:

Authorize the City Manager to make Emergency Sewer Repairs near the Presto Pantry Store on 23rd Street in an amount of $135,000.



On October 27, Utilities Department personnel were contacted, regarding gasoline leaking into the sewer system near the Presto Pantry Store on 23rd Street. Petroleum hydrocarbons, an indicator of gasoline presence, were found in the sewer in significant quantities, which poses a potential explosion hazard in the sewer line or homes if fumes enter them through the drains. Inspection of the sewer line in that area indicated that the sewer line was in poor condition and requires lining to prevent gasoline from entering the sanitary sewers in that area. The sewer line is vitreous clay, which ranges from 8 inches to 15 inches in diameter and was installed between 1954 and 1956. In addition to the lining work we are doing, KDHE is overseeing remediation efforts at the store.



The section of sewer line that requires lining is approximately 3,300 feet from near the Presto Pantry Store to Pump Station #8 on Alabama Street. See attached map. Utilities staff has received a proposal from Insituform for $135,000 to rehabilitate the sewer main using cured-in-place-pipe (CIPP). Insituform has previously provided CIPP lining for the Department. As a modification to the previous lining material specifications, the Department is requesting a resin, specifically resistant to hydrocarbons or gasoline. The Department will submit the additional cost of this resin to KDHE for reimbursement through their underground storage tank program.


Project Funding:

Change order No. 3 will be processed to the contract with Insituform. Funding for the project will come from Utilities non-bonded construction fund.



Authorize the City Manager to make Emergency Sewer Repairs near the Presto Pantry Store on 23rd Street in an amount of $135,000.