
City of Lawrence

Central Maintenance Garage



David L. Corliss, City Manager


Steve Stewart, Fleet Manager


Ernie Shaw Interim-Director Parks and Recreation; Mark Hecker Assistant Director Parks and Recreation; Diane Stoddard Assistant City Manager; Cynthia Wagner Assistant City Manager; Charles Soules Director of Public Works


August 31,2012


Hybrid electric Aerial Lift and Chip Truck.


Please include the following item on the City Commission Agenda for consideration at the September11, 2012 meeting:


Background Information:

Parks and Recreation Department is requesting to purchase one (1) truck chassis from the Metro cooperative contract, for a hybrid electric aerial lift and chip truck.  This contract works the same as a State contract except it is administered by Mid America Council of Public Purchasing (MACPP). The local bid policy does not apply because Lawrence does not have a commercial truck dealership.


This truck is being built in conjunction with the Electric Power Research Institute under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Grant. The City’s responsibility is for the purchase of a conventional truck chassis (Ford) and aerial body to be supplied by Altec. The hybrid components are being supplied by Odyne Corporation and are being funded by the grant.


Because of recent adjustments in the time line of the grant it is necessary to order the truck chassis now so it can be shipped to Odyne for the hybrid drive in the first quarter of 2013.


Current Status:

The chassis can be purchased from the Metro contract for $63,889.00. Delivering dealer would be Olathe Ford. Staff have reviewed the contracts and determined this is the most cost effective way to proceed with this purchase. The additional equipment to outfit this truck will be requested after the first of the year.



Funding for this truck was approved during the 2013 budget process for Parks and Recreation Department. The purchase order will be requested from equipment reserve and transferred to the appropriate line item when the 2013 budget takes affect.


Action Request:

Approve the purchase of the Parks and Recreation Department aerial truck chassis from the Metro purchasing contract.


Thank you for your assistance.  Please advise if you have any questions