Clenece Hills       1302 N 1082 Road        Lawrence, Kansas 66046       785-842-6313

August 21, 2012, the 149th anniversary of the burning of Lawrence


To the Members of the Lawrence City Commission

I am very pleased to see that you intend to appoint a nine member committee to plan a commemoration of the burning of Lawrence.  The resilience and perseverance of Lawrence residents was established with their responses to that tragic event in American history.

There is a place where sesquicentennial milestones can be acknowledged.  Those of us who are Friends of the Point welcome the involvement of this committee and would be very pleased to see a stone placed in the Walk through Time, as well as the placement of any other recognition of this event.  Please keep Sesquicentennial Point on your radar screen as a place for memories and commemoration.

If I can be of any help as you and your committee  develop your plans, I would be pleased to cooperate.


Clenece Hills

President, Lawrence Sesquicentennial Commission