
City of Lawrence

City Manager’s Office





David L. Corliss, City Manager


Casey Toomay, Budget Manager


Cynthia Wagner, Assistant City Manager

Diane Stoddard, Assistant City Manager

Jonathan Douglass, Assistant to the City Manager / City Clerk


Additional information related to proposed transfer policy


Pursuant to your request, staff contacted a number of communities to learn what policies and practices they have in place regarding payments from their enterprise funds into their general operating fund.  A summary is provided below.


Many of the communities staff contacted were included, along with Lawrence, in the 2010 Public Sector Statistical Analysis prepared by RubinBrown LLP.  Others were contacted because they are cities we typically use for comparisons. 


The details are summarized below.  The conclusion is that when comparing municipalities, how cities categorize revenues and expenditures matters.  In some cities, for example, payments to the general fund are categorized as “fees” or “charges for service” rather than as” transfers in.”  In others, they are categorized as “property taxes” because they are considered a franchise fee.