City of Lawrence

Sustainability Advisory Board (SAB)

June 13, 2012 minutes



Boog Highberger, Sarah Hill-Nelson, Matt Lehrman, Chad Luce, Dale Nimz, Kathleen Nuckolls, Megan Poindexter, Ian Spomer



Andrea Repinsky, Scott White






Tammy Bennett, Eileen Horn, Kathy Richardson



Matt Schwabauer


Call Meeting to Order (Chad Luce, Chair person)

Take roll call to determine quorum of members.


Approval of Meeting Minutes


Motion and second to approve the April 11, 2012 minutes (Hill-Nelson/Lehrman).

Vote: Motion was passed unanimously.


Staff Report: Waste Reduction and Recycling Division


Kathy Richardson discussed program updates included in the Waste Reduction and Recycling Division report and gave an update on the curbside recycling discussion from the City Commission meeting last night (staff memo). The Commission adopted Resolution No. 6976 announcing the City’s intent to consider adoption of an organized collection service for residential recycling in Lawrence. Staff suggests that the SAB participate in this process by reviewing the outlined major policy issues for curbside recycling and stating the board’s thoughts on each.  


Motion and second to review the matrix of the major policy issues for curbside recycling and at the July meeting draft the SAB perspective on each major policy issue (Hill-Nelson/Highberger). SAB comments will be finalized at the August SAB meeting.

Vote: Motion was passed unanimously.


In addition, Ian Spomer volunteered to review the Request for Proposals (RFP) for curbside recycling service and provide feedback at the next SAB meeting.


Tammy Bennett shared an update on the roll out cart implementation for residential solid waste services (staff memo). At the City Commission meeting last night there was discussion regarding cart sizes. Staff already completed a weight survey for 65 vs. 95 gallon carts, but the Commission discussion has prompted staff to collect more data.


Staff Report: Sustainability Coordinator


Eileen Horn addressed all items on the Sustainability Coordinator report.


Farmland Property and the Potential Renewable Energy Onsite Generation


Eileen Horn shared with SAB a report that summarizing opportunities for sustainability and green design elements for the former Farmland property. Chad Luce shared a copy of the concept plan. This information was presented to the City Commission on June 5th. The Farmland property may be used to test some items on a smaller scale (e.g. permeable sidewalks).


Complete 2012-2013 SAB goals


Last month Eileen Horn facilitated the SAB goal setting session (presentation). She emailed the draft 2012-2013 SAB goals to the board for discuss at tonight’s meeting.


Efforts the SAB Should Support:

These are efforts that currently have momentum and are being advocated by partner advisory boards and task forces.  SAB agreed to monitor and support these initiatives as opportunities arise. Items are listed in order of priority (determined by SAB vote 5/9/12).


1.   Solid Waste Task Force recommendations:

ACTION: SAB will comment on the curbside recycling RFP when it is released, and attend commission meetings as the discussion evolves.

2.   Energy conservation:

ACTION: SAB will continue to highlight the energy conservation efforts currently being pursued by staff and recommended by the Climate Protection and Peak Oil Plans. The SAB will provide annual updates to the City Commission on the progress made towards the Climate Protection Plan recommendations.

3.   Municipal planning that encompasses urban growth, smart codes, and the sustainability recommendations put forth in Horizon 2020:

ACTION: A subcommittee will analyze the sustainability recommendations put forth in Horizon 2020, especially related to smart codes and urban growth.  The subcommittee (Dale Nimz, Sarah Hill-Nelson, Boog Highberger) will prepare a list of recommended SAB discussion points from their research.


Efforts the SAB Should Advocate for:

These are priorities not currently being pursued by partner boards and councils. SAB identified these areas as “gaps” that SAB should research and make recommendations on. Items are listed in order of priority (determined by SAB vote 5/9/12).


1.   Sustainable landscaping practices in municipal operations:

o   SAB will invite speakers from City staff (Crystal Miles) and regional landscape architecture firms to understand current city practices and learn best practices in sustainable landscaping.

o   SAB will identify opportunities for further education or policy change.

2.   Water quality (wastewater, water treatment, and stormwater management):

o   SAB will invite staff from Utilities (Dave Wagner; Jeanette Klamm) and Public Works (Matt Bond) inform of current city practices.

o   SAB will identify opportunities for further education or policy change.

3.   Open space, parks, and trails:

o   SAB will invite staff from the Lawrence Parks and Recreation Department (Ernie Shaw) to inform of city practices and future park plans.

o   SAB will identify opportunities for further education or policy change.

4.   Education and outreach programs for the general public on sustainability topics:

o   SAB will reach out to the KU Office of Sustainability (Jeff Severin) to ID opportunities for collaboration.

5.   Further integration of sustainability principles in municipal operations:

o   SAB will invite KCMO Sustainability Director (Dennis Murphey) to advise on addition of sustainability metrics to memos, sustainability indicator development, etc.

Action items:

·         Kathy Richardson will contact Crystal Miles, City Horticulture Manager, to ask if she is available to present information to SAB at the August meeting.

·         Megan Poindexter will call Jeff Severin, KU Sustainability Director, to find out what current sustainability issues KU’s Center for Sustainability is working on and how SAB can collaborate with them.

·         Boog Highberger will contact Dennis Murphey, KCMO Sustainability Director, to ask if he is available to present information at a future SAB meeting on sustainability indicators.


Miscellaneous Announcements and/or Public Comments


Matt Schwabauer commented that he would like SAB to review the transcript he drafted from the digital audio recording of the 12/14/11 SAB meeting. He stated that the comments he shared at that December meeting are not reflected accurately or completely within the minutes. The SAB chair reminded Mr. Schwabauer that the board had given him the opportunity to submit the text that he would like considered by the board at the March SAB meeting for possible inclusion in the 12/14/12 minutes. Mr. Schwabauer had agreed to this but he did not submit the text requested. SAB reconfirmed approval of the 12/14/11 SAB minutes as written at the March 14, 2012 meeting.


Mr. Schwabauer expressed extreme frustration with the board, and government in general, in their ability and willingness to address the critical environmental issues affecting our world. Several SAB members responded to Mr. Schwabauer’s perceptions in a general manner, focusing attention on the areas where the board has been active in advocacy. The chair requested that future interactions be relatively specific in the requests being made and cordial / respectful of all involved. 


Meeting adjourned at 7:33 p.m.


Next meeting: July 11th, 2012 at 5:30 p.m.



Waste Reduction and Recycling Division Report

Sustainability Coordinator Report

Goal Setting Session Presentation

Draft 2012-2013 SAB Goals