City of Lawrence

Lawrence – Douglas County Bicycle Advisory Committee

June 19, 2012 Minutes



Josh Ediger, Chad Foster, Lisa Hallberg, Rhonda Houser, Chris Rogge


Chris Burger, Jay Bialek,


Jessica Mortinger, Todd Girdler, David Cronin, Tim Laurent




1.   Call Meeting to Order, Assurance of Quorum and Introductions: The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. A quorum was present.


2.   Action Item: Approval of the May 15, 2012 Meeting Minutes: A motion to approve the minutes from the May 15th meeting was moved by Ms. Houser seconded by Ms. Hallberg and passed unanimously.


3.   Discussion Item: League of American Bicyclists Bicycle Friendly Community Feedback

The feedback can be found online at:

Ms. Mortinger provided paper copies to BAC members present and asked them to review the feedback and continue to work on it and incorporate it into future work plans.


4.   Discussion Item: KU Bicycle Advisory Committee

Ms. Hallberg and Ms. Mortinger attended the first KU BAC meeting. The group of stakeholders invited included a wide range of representatives. They are working on carrying out the bicycle goals in the KU Sustainability Plan. That plan is found online at: Members of this new committee were interested in having a seat at the Lawrence-Douglas County BAC and might make a formal request for this in the future. They also are looking forward to coordinating efforts to achieve Bicycle Friendly status; they have applied for Bicycle Friendly University designation from the League of American Bicyclists. They are interested in coordinating bicycle and pedestrian count locations and helping to solicit for volunteers.


5.   Discussion Item: Lawrence Central Rotary Community Ride

The 2nd Annual Lawrence Community Bike Ride is scheduled for Saturday, July 21st at the Lawrence Rotary Arboretum / Youth Sports Complex. The ride is completely free, open to all ages and features three paved-path rides. For more information, visit

Ms. Hallberg indicated she will be teaching a safe cycling and tips for cycling class at the event. If anyone is interested in helping with this event, they will be more than welcome to.


6.   Discussion Item: Bike Month Events- What we heard.

Ms. Mortinger provided BAC members with a detailed summary of all the comments collected at Baldwin City, Eudora and Lawrence helmet fairs during 2012.  Ms. Mortinger asked the members if they had any comments to discuss. She indicated that some common comments included the desire to improve the relationship between bicyclists and motorists, as well as bicycle parking facilities at local parks, and the need for more bike trails and lanes. Members agreed it was valuable to continue to poll the community and track any changes in comments received. Ms. Hallberg said it might be possible to poll attendees at the Community Ride in July.


7.   Discussion/Action Item: Meeting Time and Location

BAC members decided to begin meeting at the Parks & Recreation Conference Room in August 2012. The meetings will remain on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 5:00pm.  Members also asked staff to facilitate a meeting in Eudora and Baldwin City each year. A motion was made to change the meeting locations by Ms. Hallberg and seconded by Mr. Foster. The motion passed unanimously.


  1. Other Business:

Mr. Ediger shared details of the Maple Leaf City Triathlon hosted in Baldwin City on July 28th. More information can be found online at:


  1. Public Comments: None.


  1. Adjournment of Meeting: The meeting ended at 5:55 PM. The next meeting is scheduled for July 17th, 2012.