City of Lawrence

Lawrence – Douglas County Bicycle Advisory Committee

May 15, 2012 Minutes



Chris Burger, Jay Bialek, Josh Ediger, Lisa Hallberg, Rhonda Houser, Chad Foster


Chris Rogge


Jessica Mortinger, Todd Girdler


Robyne Stevenson, Brendan Crawford, Anthony Gradert, Michael Matthews


1.    Call Meeting to Order, Assurance of Quorum and Introductions: The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. A quorum was present.


2.    Action Item: Approval of the March 20, 2012 Meeting Minutes: A motion to approve the minutes from the March 20th meeting was moved by Mr. Burger seconded by Ms. Hallberg and passed unanimously.


3.    Discussion Item:T-2040 Stakeholder Interview-Viable Third Community

Ms. Mortinger introduced the staff from Viable Third Community present to conduct a stakeholder interview with the BAC. Ms. Stevenson and Mr. Crawford led the members through some exercises to document transportation issues, concerns and priorities. Members participated in the solicitation of ideas. A detailed summary of the issues discussed will be compiled via Viable Third and provided to the MPO staff as the process progresses.


4.    Discussion Item: Bike Month Survey Results and Events

Ms. Mortinger provided BAC members with a detailed summary of all the comments collected at Baldwin City, Eudora and Lawrence helmet fairs during 2012.  Ms. Mortinger asked the members to look over these and prepare to address any comments at the next meeting.


5.    Other Business:

·         Ms. Mortinger provided members a copy of the 2011 Annual Report for the City of Lawrence, the May Utility insert with Safety information, and the feedback received from the League of American Bicyclists.


·         The 2nd Annual Lawrence Community Bike Ride is scheduled for Saturday, July 21st at the Lawrence Rotary Arboretum / Youth Sports Complex. The ride is completely free, open to all ages and features three paved-path rides. The 10-mile ride commences at 7:30 a.m., followed by a 3-mile ride beginning at 8:30 a.m. All morning, a 1-mile mini-course is available around the wide pathways in the Arboretum. T-shirts and safety gear will be given away while supplies last, and there's much more being lined up between now and July 21. For more information, visit


·         Members discussed changing the time and venue of the location and asked staff to poll members.


·         Ms. Houser asked BAC members if she could add Lawrence events to the Bikes for People local listings. Members agreed this was a great idea.


6.    Public Comments: None.


7.    Adjournment of Meeting: The meeting ended at 6:15 PM. The next meeting is scheduled for June 19th, 2012.