
City of Lawrence

City Manager’s Office





David L. Corliss, City Manager


Casey Toomay, Budget Manager


Cynthia Wagner, Assistant City Manager

Diane Stoddard, Assistant City Manager

Jonathan Douglass, Assistant to the City Manager / City Clerk


Social Service Funding Applications For 2013 Budget


The Social Service Funding Advisory Board has prepared application materials for the 2013 Budget Year.  In an effort to improve their evaluation process, the Board made the following changes.

·         Language was added to clarify that funding is to be used pursuant to the City Commission goals.  A list of the goals, along with a brief statement of what each goal means, was also added;

·         A question was added to the application, asking applicants to explain how their work is related to one or more of the City Commission’s goals;

·         Two criteria were added to the list used by the Board to develop their recommendations:

o   The efforts to collaborate and avoid duplication of service; and

o   Outcomes that move program participants from total dependency toward measurable levels of independence.


Applications, available at, will be due Friday, May 4th.  The recommendations of the Social Service Funding Advisory Board will be forwarded to the City Commission as part of discussion of the 2013 budget.