
City of Lawrence

City Attorney’s Office




David Corliss, City Manager

Toni Ramirez Wheeler, City Attorney



Randall F. Larkin, Senior Assistant City Attorney



Scott McCullough, Director of Planning and Development Services

Todd Girdler, Senior Transportation Planner



February 16, 2012



City Approval of Consultant Contract for Public Participation Services for the Lawrence-Douglas County MPO

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In 2011 the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) obtained approval from the KDOT to use $20,000 of federal Consolidated Planning Grant funds to hire a consultant to assist the MPO with public participation activities related to the update of the Metropolitan Transportation Plan, currently the Transportation 2030 document. The MPO staff created a RFP for this project, received consultant proposals, evaluated those proposals with a selection committee, and chose a preferred consultant to negotiate with for these services. That negotiation phase is now complete and the contract has been reviewed by the City Attorney’s Office and signed by the consultant. The next step in the process of hiring the consultant is for the City Commission to approve this contract and direct the City Manager to sign it.


All funds related to the payment of this contract cost are federal funds programmed in the MPO’s Unified Planning Work Program and needed non-cash match supplied by KDOT. There will be no additional cost to the City.


Action Requested: Staff requests the City Commission to authorize the City Manager to execute a “Professional Services Agreement” between the City of Lawrence, Kansas, and Viable Third Community, LLC, which would provide for public participation services for the update of the Metropolitan Transportation Plan at a total cost of no more than $20,000.00. The costs related to this contract will be paid by federal funding, at no cost to the City.